On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 1:27 PM, MHR <mhullr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been having some strange results trying to burn CDs under
> CentOS.  I don't think they are hardware related because I have had
> some success, in fact most of this usually works.
> I use k3b for most of my CD and DVD writing - it seems to work fairly
> well (well, except for wrecking my installation a few weeks ago when
> it crashed my installation and I had to reinstall to get it back, but
> that's old news).
A follow on to my previous replies about K3b. Yesterday, I purchased
an LG DVD Burner for my Daughter's box. This morning I installed it
and I tested it with K3b on CentOS 5 (32 bit). No problem writing a
DVD with it. Since your problem is on your box at work and no problem
on the other box you tested there, or, on your desktop at home, I
wonder if there is some glitch in the drive in that box  and that it
is a HW issue. Or, some glitch with K3b on that box.
If you are brave enough to uninstall K3b and then install it again,
maybe the problem will go away. Do you have another DVD Burner at work
you can install in that box, to see if you get the same results? My
experience is that K3b is pretty solid. Also, maybe there is a problem
with the EIDE cable to that drive? Have you checked to see that the
connectors are seated properly?
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