on 1-6-2009 2:26 PM Tim Nelson spake the following:
> Hello fellow CentOS'ers-
> I'm trying to install a package from a not-to-be-named repository (privately 
> operated for some proprietary software). They currently have a package I need 
> but offer multiple versions. However, if I simply 'yum install packagename' 
> it defaults to pulling down the most recent package. I would like to pull 
> down the older version of the package but I'm unable to do so.
> So, how would you specify version number for a package with two candidates 
> but the same name? I'm at a loss... :-(
I think you have to specify version. In the example;


I think you would specify yum install bind-chroot-9.3.4-6.0.1.P1

but a later update will upgrade it anyway.

If there software doesn't work with the newer version, it shouldn't be in
their repo, IMHO.

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