Ross Walker wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Robert Moskowitz <>  
> wrote:
>> Kai Schaetzl wrote:
>>> Ralph Angenendt wrote on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 10:31:20 +0100:
>>>> You need a combined(!) 768MB of RAM and Swap to successfully install
>>>> CentOS 5.2 (see the release notes).
>>> in graphics mode.
>> And really it is a performance question as long as you have 256M of  
>> real
>> memory, the rest swap.  Since I always make my swap > 2xRAM, I am  
>> always
>> installing on a system with at least 768Mb combined.
>> I do not like the DIsk Druid default of putting the swap drive into  
>> the
>> LVM partition.  I always redo the partitions so that swap is its own
>> partition.
> Why is that? Old school habit or is there a real benefit?

It just feels wrong in so many ways.

Why is /boot its own partition and not swap? I suspend to swap, so swap 
has to be as accessible as /boot?

Am I going to enlarge swap at some point using LVM tools? Or shrink it? 
Can you even do that with a swap partition in LVM? So what ARE the 
values of swap in LVM? One less partition, I would think if you are 
going duo boot. But if not, again, where is the beef?

> Swap performance should be equally good whether it be raw disk, raw  
> partition, LVM logical volume or even a flat file on today's kernels,  
> but maybe there is something I am unaware of.

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