From: Anne Wilson <>
> I recently bought a new UPS, and I'm attempting to use nut to  monitor it.  
> Following setup instructions everything seemed to go well until it came to 
> testing the connection, which failed.
> There is just one serial connector on the computer, so I set it to 
> monitor /dev/ttyS0.   Either that is wrong, or communication is failing.  
> I've been told to try minicom to monitor it, but I'm not familiar with 
> minicom (or any similar app), so again, I may be wrong in the way I'm trying 
> to use that.  I was told that unconnecting the device, then re-connecting it 
> should give me a raft of output to the terminal - I saw nothing.
> Could someone please give me idiot-level instructions on how to tell whether 
> I'm connecting to the correct port, or whatever other information I need?

Maybe have a look at the setserial command, if you need to set/get serial 



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