On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 1:40 AM, Filipe Brandenburger
<filbran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 19:39, Joseph L. Casale
> <jcas...@activenetwerx.com> wrote:
>> Looks like rpmfind doesn't show any for RHEL :/ You might have to roll your 
>> own.
>> Let's try and get Apcupsd working first, your config was wrong to start so 
>> its worth
>> trying again.
> NUT RPMs seems to be available from EPEL. NUT 2.2.0 is available for
> CentOS 5. Here are the i386 RPMs:
> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/repoview/nut.html

I just  installed the repo file for EPEL (and gave it a very low
priority). I installed nut and nut-client from EPEL. When I try to
start the ups daemon, I get the below error:

ups failed. The error was: Starting UPS driver controller: [FAILED]

Starting upsd: [FAILED]

Starting UPS monitor (master): [FAILED]

If I can't get apcupsd  or nut configured properly, then I will try
the WinPower software the UPS manufacturer (and many others) specify.
I have the tar ball on my hard drive (45.3 MB) and maybe I can "roll
my own" RPM for the first time.
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