> Starting Clamav Milter Daemon: clamav-milter: unrecognized option 
> `--local'
> ERROR: Unknown option passed
> ERROR: Can't parse command line options
> The config of /etc/sysconfig/clamav-milter
>     --config-file=/etc/clamd.conf
>     --local
>     --max-children=10
>     --outgoing
>     --quiet
> "

It sounds like you did an update to clamav-0.95.  

You must now do the configuration in /etc/clamav-milter.conf.  Leave the 
sysconfig as CLAMAV_FLAGS=" " . Read the man pages for both 
clamd.conf and clamav-milter as they have both changed, although the conf 
files are pretty well documented by themselves. Make sure the sockets in 
the clamd.conf file is correctly referenced in the clamav-milter.conf file and 
the milter socket is compatible with what you put in your sendmail.mc file. 

The clamav folks completely rewrote the milter in 0.95 to require sendmail-
13 or higher. For anyone with an old (RHEL/Centos 3.9) distro,  clamav-
milter-0.95  does not work with sendmail-12. I built and the installed  the 
sendmail-13 rpm from the RHEL4 (Centos4 should also work) src.rpm 
before building and installing the clamav-0.95 rpm on one old machine. It is 
now receiving and filtering mail happily (allthough oblivious to its scheduled 
July date with the hardware recycler). Clamdtop even works with Centos 3.9.

Someone may want to put sendmail-13 in the Centos 3.9 centosplus 
directory. A "clamav-0.95-for-sendmail-13" could also be put in the rpmforge 
updates for EL3, although there are probably few customers for that item.  

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