Sam Drinkard wrote:
> Alan Sparks wrote:
>> Sam Drinkard wrote:
>>>> NET::DNS is a core perl module. You don't want to get any version from 
>>>> CPAN.
>>>> $locate
>>>> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/Net/
>> I don't believe on CentOS this is a "core" module.  Try a Yum install of
>> perl-Net-DNS (in the base repository).
>> -Alan
> Alan,
>     The package perl-Net-DNS is already installed and is up do date.  
> I'm wondering if that command coming from cron.weekly about the "s" file 
> has anything to do with it?  There does not seem to be any ill effects 
> from the cron job, but it irritates me to see errors and not know why or 
> how to fix stuff, especially when the keyword is "s" :(  Perhaps I 
> should just remove that particular command from the cron.weekly and see 
> what happens, or at least comment it out.
> Sam
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