
On 8/3/09, David Leon <> wrote:
> Hello guys
> I have a new Centos 5.3 running, and I have a text file with a bunch
> of accounts (more than 100) that I should create
> .
> File format is like this
> user1 pasword1
> user2 passwrd2
> ....
> How can I do this task easier than creating user one by one by hand?
> Need some help for building an script to achieve this task
> Thanks
> David

I have used newusers command in conjunction with a text file in passwd
file type fields. man newusers should be your friend here

and if they are to be replicated across nodes as in a cluster, wrap it
up in a scrip with scp for /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow and


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