Marko A. Jennings wrote:
> On Sat, August 8, 2009 8:44 pm, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>> Marko A. Jennings wrote:
>>> On Sat, August 8, 2009 4:04 pm, Lanny Marcus wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Robert<> wrote:
>>>> <snip>
>>>>> please stop poking the bears...  ;->
>>>>> it isn't productive and many of you that are critical of CentOS and
>>>>> the
>>>>> people running it should just move on and go away as asked
>>>> +1      How easy it is to criticize people who have put in a
>>>> tremendous amount of hours, without pay, working on the CentOS
>>>> project. There is always room for improvement, but the criticism from
>>>> those who have not put in the hours over the past years is not
>>>> deserved.
>>> Lanny,
>>> Your statement implies that people that have not contributed to a
>>> certain
>>> goal cannot possibly have a good suggestion.  Following that line of
>>> thought, we should all shut up and let our respective governments do
>>> whatever they please because most of us have not been public servants.
>>> And even if the suggestion (or criticism, as lots of suggestions have
>>> been
>>> labeled as of lately) is not valid, there are kinder and more polite
>>> ways
>>> of responding to them than those we have experienced in this thread.
>>> Marko
>>> Following that line of thought, we should all shut up and let our
>>> respective governments do whatever
>> CentOS is not a government or a Democracy ... it was not designed to be.
>>  It is a product that we produce for people to use or not use.
>> They get to choose to participate in the mailing lists, the forums, etc.>
>> They get to choose to donate money or servers or bandwidth to the project.
>> They do NOT get to tell us what to build, when to build it, how to use
>> donated resources, etc.  Just like I don't get to login to your servers
>> and do what I want when you use CentOS.
> Where exactly have I said, or even implied that?  All I have tried to
> convey is that when people offer suggestions, they ought to be considered
> and answered in a polite manner.  As I said before, it's not what is being
> said, but rather how.
> Do we agree on this?

If you mean that I can be an arrogant SOB sometimes, then YES, we (and
my wife) can agree.

I also can certainly try to be nicer, yes.

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