On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 4:31 AM, Kai Schaetzl<mailli...@conactive.com> wrote:
> Rudi Ahlers wrote on Mon, 17 Aug 2009 09:05:34 +0200:
>> I'll see if I can convince the client to use an alternative method of
>> doing this.
> -> mailing list
> Kai

Mailing list software (like majordomo) are a terrible way to handle
bulk mailing to people.  They are not intended to be used for one-way
communication, and by default replies to them will get sent to
everyone else on the list.  It is possible to disable this behavior,
but in general this requires delving deep into the config options to
make sure you didn't miss anything.  Additionally, the people who
typically need this kind of software have mostly never heard of the
command-line, and would not be anywhere near the skill-level needed to
manage mailing list software.
CentOS mailing list

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