>-----Original Message-----
>From: centos-boun...@centos.org [mailto:centos-boun...@centos.org] On
>Of Les Mikesell
>Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 4:52 PM
>To: centos@centos.org
>Subject: Re: [CentOS] Backuppc-updates on CentOS
>>      Looking more closely I saw that the RHEL5-packages were from epel,
>a repo one
>> maybe shouldn't choose as a primary repo for ones CentOS-systems if you
>> help it. At least that's the impression I got from the various posts to
>> list.
>No, epel is the best large 3rd party repo in terms of avoiding conflicts
>with the base.  They are just not perfect. It's probably impossible to
>be perfect without a single point of coordination, but you generally
>won't get in trouble leaving epel enabled during updates unless you also
>use other 3rd party repos.  They also tend not to have as current
>packages as rpmforge, though.

Yeah, I noticed that with rpmforge. I was just under the impression that
epel was a bit "dodgy" as repos come. Never too late to be enlightened
though. ;-)


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