I agree!!!

On 08/12/2010 16:46, Jerry Franz wrote:
On 12/08/2010 07:03 AM, Scott Robbins wrote:
Honestly, I had no one in mind.
I remember in an effort to get a life outside tech, I joined a mailing
list for something else.  I hadn't realized how most people top post,
don't trim, and still use aol.
It really is worth noting that the bottom-post convention used on many
technical lists *is not* how most of the planet now does email or other
electronic communications. The rage we see here over it is really just
another technical 'religious war' by people who don't tolerate change
well. In reality, it doesn't matter much for most things either way and
far more harm is done by the howling over it than using either
convention actually causes.

I still remember the rage sparked on the Usenet by some old timers when
people started using JPEG and MIME rather than GIF and uuencoding. Oh,
the horror of it.

Oh, BTW:  vim over emacs.


Best Regards,

Giles Coochey
NetSecSpec Ltd
NL T-Systems Mobile: +31 681 265 086
NL Mobile: +31 626 508 131
Gib Mobile: +350 5401 6693
Email/MSN/Live Messenger: gi...@coochey.net
Skype: gilescoochey

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