Jay Leafey wrote:
> Mike McCarty wrote:
>> Hmm, maybe I need a later version of RPM.
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=436812
>> Mike
> As I understand it, there have been some changes in the checksum methods 
> in the newer versions of RPM.  If you want to install package built with 
> the newer versions, you need to add the --nomd5 option to the rpm 
> command to avoid the signature errors:

That was my (provisional) conclusion, and that's what I did.
Version 5.40 is now happily running on my system. Hadda update
the smartd.conf file, of course, for my needs.

>     rpm -ivh --nomd5 smartmontools-5.39-1.2.el6.src.rpm
> Of course, once that's done the fun is just starting.  Since the 
> original was built for RHEL6, it may have dependencies on newer versions 
> of other packages.

I had no other problems. I probably need to get a later version
of RPM source and install. I had already done a straight tarball
build and install into /usr/local for some testing, but wanted
RPM to do it "right", so I needed a SPEC file, mostly.

> Your mileage may vary.


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