Terry Hickey wrote on Fri, 21 Jan 2011 15:38:43 -0700:

> Well.....

no, not well. Think a moment when someone tells you something. CentOS 4 
does *not* contain php 5. You installed PHP 5 from another repo, likely 
from centosplus. Maybe you have more repos enabled. Nobody knows because 
you didn't care to tell. Tell now. Also, as you ripped out a tiny part 
from the yum output that doesn't give much information either, not even 
the full versions of the packages that get processed. If you had looked at 
the centosplus repo you had noticed that the files there are from 2008 and 
exactly what you have already installed. So, to *what* are you upgrading? 
Obviously not to centos or centosplus-provided packages.
Is it really that hard to provide background information when you ask for 


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