On Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:21:35 pm m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
> I've got 7 on my work laptop, and my lady's got Vista at home. I *despise*
> both of them: they do their best to hide what you need to do, if it's
> anything other than looking at pictures, playing music, email, and web.
> And, IMO, part of the time they have problems with that.
> We won't even *begin* to talk about how the work laptop is so locked down
> that even wtih a local admin account, I can't do almost anything....
>          mark, yes, I do loathe WinDoze

When did this become a Windows discussion list? 

Sure, I loathe Windows, too. (until I want to play a game!) But I'm not here 
to read about Windows' many faults.... 

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