Keith Keller wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 10:34:24AM -0600, Sean Carolan wrote:
>> Can anyone point out reasons why it might be a bad idea to put this
>> sort of line in your /etc/hosts file, eg, pointing the FQDN at the
>> loopback address?
>> hostname   localhost
>> localhost.localdomain
> Would the application work with a hosts entry like this?
>    hostname.dummy   localhost localhost.localdomain
> (Make sure you pick .dummy so as not to interfere with any other DNS.)
> In theory you could leave off .dummy, but then you risk hostname being
> completed with the search domain in resolv.conf, which creates the
> problems already mentioned with putting in
> /etc/hosts.  (I have not tested this at all!)

And giving it would tell it others to ignore it, I think. Where
did your user come up with this idea - clearly, they have *no* clue what
they're doing, and need at least a brown bag lunch about TCP/IP, and they
should not be allowed to dictate this. Their "idea" is a bug, and needs to
be fixed.


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