On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 14:41:03 -0800
Dave Stevens wrote:

> I have a user group that would like to be able to routinely post (easily) 
> emails to a web site. Must be usable without special training. I have no 
> experience with this. Anyone have a suggestion? LAMP stack installed.

I did this a while back (and will probably be doing  it again on another project

I just wrote a little program that reads whatever is sent to its email address.
It checks for a "password" in the subject line and then formats and embeds the
email content on a webpage.  While it's not the most secure way of doing
things, it's the most painless way I can think of to provide (very)
non-technical users with a method to post the local swim meet schedule or
whatever. Some of the users who need to be able to update these kinds of web
pages don't have their own computers or anything, so this way all they need is
access to any webmail service and they can still do it from anywhere.

The program is as it exists right now is pretty special-purpose as it has the
webpage template and passwords built-in so it's not of much general interest at
the moment. Perhaps re-implementing it for this new project is a good reason to
break some of that stuff out into config files instead.  I also just woke up to
the fact that I could simplify it a lot by using procmail to feed the email to
it and crank up the program.  At the moment I read the mail spool directly and
invoke the program with cron, which isn't the best way to do it.

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~ www.melvilletheatre.com
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