On Apr 12, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Ian Murray wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: "aurfal...@gmail.com" <aurfal...@gmail.com>
>> To: CentOS mailing list <centos@centos.org>
>> Sent: Tue, 12 April, 2011 20:10:14
>> Subject: Re: [CentOS] Dag's RHEL Rebuild Project.
>> On Apr 12, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Ian Murray wrote:
>>>> This is really disrespectful to talk about on  here. The devs spent
>>>> a ton of
>>>> their spare time to develop centos, last  thing  you should talk
>>>> about is
>>>> starting  competing projects...
>>>> Peter.
>>> I really  don't get this list. The threads I have read on the Xen
>>> list  suggest
>>> there is no problem with a discussion about the relative merits  of
>>> KVM so why is
>>> everything so personal on this list?  Something quite unhealthy is
>>> going on here,
>>> IMHO.
>> Its not that at all (to me).
>> Then again the Xen lists don't  have ppl whining about a missed rel
>> date with personal attaches about  leadership.
> I guess people are pretty happy with the way the Xen project is run.
>> The guys maintaining Centos have ownership of the project  which
>> results in a sense of pride and personal feelings about  it.
> They have every right to be pride; no doubt a phenomenal amount of  
> work goes
> into CentOS and I don't think there is much/any gripe on this list  
> of the
> quality of the finished article. But of course, pride can be an  
> inhibitor as
> well..
>> Plus, I think it was the timing of the post regarding DAGs RHEL  like
>> project.
> Tensions are indeed running high, so yeah.
>> There is an order of magnitude more traffic on  this list then on the
>> Xen list.
> Erm, jury's out for me as to whether that would make a difference or  
> not.

Well, I mentioned this to account for the social aspect.  The more ppl  
who are on the list, the greater the dynamics of the list.

I think technology is more about ppl then tech itself so the social  
dynamic is a very tangible and important factor of it all.

- aurf

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