2011/4/21 Johnny Hughes <joh...@centos.org>:
> On 04/21/2011 06:11 AM, David McGuffey wrote:
>> redlibvirtError: internal error Process exited while reading console log
>> output: qemu: could not open disk image /dev/hda
> You should not need to do anything in virsh to dump a file ... there
> should be an xml file in /etc/libvirt/qemu/ for every VM already.

The XML-files in /etc/libvirt/qemu represent libvirt defined VMs, you
should never edit these files directly while the libvirtd service is
running. You should either use 'virsh edit [vm_name]' or alternatively
virsh dump followed by virsh define. If you edit the file directly
while some manager is running (like virt-manager in CentOS), your
changes will most likely conflict with, or get overwritten by,
virt-manager. Nothing critical should happen, but I don't see any
reason for encouraging doing it The Wrong Way(TM).

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