m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
> Les Mikesell wrote:
>> On 7/29/2011 1:22 PM, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
>>> And I've had the external speakers jacked in both in the front
>>> "headphones" jack, and the traditional one in the back, and sound comes
>>> both out of the external speakers and a speaker inside the machine.
>> That's usually a hardware thing where plugging something into the
>> headphone jack breaks the connections to the speakers.
> I know. That's why I mentioned what I'd done, and that I was confused,
> because that's the result I expected, and I'm not getting it.

I *think* I've got it: my manager suggested pavucontrol, but the only
place I found that was a repo he'd rather I didn't use. Then I tried
playing, again, with kmix from the panel, and this time I went to
configure it, and tried adding the control for IEC958I; I mute that, and
it seems to be quiet, and the speakers are working.

       mark "system-config-soundcard is too complicated, I guess..."

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