This may not be the best place to ask, but Google hasn't given me any
useful information.

I have an "older" laptop that is using the Intel 2200 wireless
interface.  I installed CentOS 5 on it some time ago and everything is
fine.  When I was reviewing my kickstart setups I found that the ipw2200
firmware package is no longer available in RPMForge.  The CentOS site's
how-to page for this interface still refers to RPMForge, so that now
seems out of date.

What happened to the Intel firmware packages on RPMForge and where else
should I be looking for them ?  I tried ELRepo and didn't see them

Suggestions and pointers are welcome, and thanks in advance.

Ron Loftin            

"God, root, what is difference ?"       Piter from UserFriendly

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