I'm not sure I understand all of the consequences of just moving these 
folders from /home/user/mail to the new servers. So far, I seem to have 
things working OK with a pop, imap, and horde webmail situation for any 
particular account. It required using "namespace", but it seems to work.

Can anyone give me a little heads-up on what to expect by doing things 
this way?

Thanks so far for all the help.


On 2/13/2012 3:31 PM, Peter Peltonen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Les Mikesell<lesmikes...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> If you need to convert formats or copy between machines, there is a program
>> called imapsync that will connect as a client to two imap servers and sync
>> the folder structure. You could probably also switch to cyrus if you use
>> that to do the copy.
> +1 for imapsync, I've migrated many imap accounts from different
> servers with it.
> It's available in the rpmforge repositry.
> Best,
> Peter
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