On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 3:12 AM, Joseph L. Casale <jcas...@activenetwerx.com
> wrote:

> >How can I insert a disc which is already inserted?  What am I missing?
> Well, pretty simple... You don't have the correct disc "already" inserted.
> Its a netinstall, hence the "net" so it needs the net. Its also only a
> couple
> hundred megs, so that should indicate it doesn't have the full tree
> available.
> Grab the dvd if you want to install from the "same" disc, or choose another
> method.

As Joseph mention, if you downloaded the netinstall you should definitely
use the net and not any CD/DVD installer.

This is a tutorial that will guide you through and points to the correct
URL for package repositories and to the correct install.img file.

*Yanis Guenane*
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