On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:52 PM, David C. Miller
<mille...@fusion.gat.com> wrote:
> I'm using the latest beta2 NoMachine 4.0 client under Mac OS 10.8.5 to 
> connect to two different NoMachine servers. One is an unlimited enterprise 
> server(3.5.0) on RHEL 6.4 and the other is the free two concurrent user 3.5.0 
> version running on CentOS 6.4 offered by NoMachine. It works very well on 
> both. You can change the NoMachine window to either scale the image or adjust 
> the resolution of the window to be 1:1 on the fly.

I guess I'll give the new build a try eventually - just a little leery
after having to track down and remove the previous version's kernel
extensions in safe mode to get the mac to boot after the OSX update.
 What I want a screen resize to do is to keep 1:1 scaling and force
the host to resize the desktop to match.   The windows clients will
only snap to a new size as they start up, but the old mac version
would do a real resize (like linux) anytime..  I probably just missed
how to do it in the new version.

   Les Mikesell
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