I'm encountering a problem with RBD-backed Xen.  During a VM boot,
pygrub attaches the VM's root VDI to dom0.  This hangs with these
messages in the debug log:

Oct 27 21:19:59 xen27 kernel:
  vbd vbd-51728: 16 Device in use; refusing to close
Oct 27 21:19:59 xen27 xenopsd-xenlight:
  [xenops] waiting for backend to close
Oct 27 21:19:59 xen27 kernel:
  qemu-system-i38[2899]: segfault at 7fac042e4000 ip 00007fac0447b129
  sp 00007fffe7028630 error 4 in qemu-system-i386[7fac042ed000+309000]

More details here:


  - Scientific Linux 6
  - 64-bit, Phenom CPU
  - Ceph from RPM ceph-0.67.4-0.el6.x86_64
  - XenAPI from Dave Scott's technology preview
  - two btrfs-backed OSDs with journals on separate drives
  - various kernels, incl. 3.4.6 from Dave Scott's repo and 3.11.6
    from elrepo.org.

This thread (whose Subject: I borrowed) describes what I'm seeing quite
well, but no resolution was posted:


In my case, udevd starts a 'blkid' process that holds /dev/xvdb open.
Like in James's case, any interaction with the device will hang, and
usually can't be killed.  This same problem prevents the machine from
completing shutdown.

In that thread, Sylvain Munaut says the OSD and kernel driver shouldn't
be run in the same host.  I believe my setup does not violate that,
since the rbd kernel module is not loaded, and instead the device is
attached through the xen_blkfront module instead.


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