We looked into getting a burstable T1 and opted to move all of our telecom
over to a fractional T1.  We determined how many of the 24 channels to give
to telephone/fax access.  Then determined our needs for data and added the
correct number of channels for that (we are using 384kb now).  I am not sure
if our provider offered us the ability to go with burstable, but we can
readily add more channels to data connection until we hit the 24 limit on a
T1.  One of the T1 providers we spoke with used an ATM hub in their offices
and one in ours and could offer up to 60 channels on a 'T1', which would
give over 2x the maximum bandwidth without having to install a new T1.

If you don't need a full T1 now, it may be beneficial to add a T1, share it
with your phones, and make sure you can add more channels.  The downsides to
the xDSL as others have discussed is the downtime, possible overloading of
the telco DSL bandwidth, and inability to get more than the capacity of a
DSL line should you need it.  I think T1's will grow better.


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