This from

The AKC and the schnauzer folks seem to think it is a terrier.

"The Miniature Schnauzer or "Mini" is one of the most popular canines 
and certainly the best known among the three Schnauzer breeds. Its 
small stature, generally between 12 and 14 inches in height, makes the 
breed a good size for many households. But don't be misled by the size, 
the Miniature Schnauzer packs a lively punch in any environment and you 
will never miss its Terrier bark and loving personality. 

First bred as early as the late 19th century, the Mini evolved down 
from the original Standard Schnauzer, with the purpose of creating a 
small companion dog and working farm ratter. Through years of breeding, 
several consistent characteristics came to distinguish the breed. After 
size, which is the most notable feature, Miniatures typically have dark 
brown eyes, elongated eyebrows, a hard dense or wiry coat along the 
back and thighs, soft leg hair or furnishings, and of course, a beard 
or whiskers that extends from under the eyes past the nose. Most 
Miniatures will have docked tails, typically removed shortly after 
birth, and either cropped or natural ears. Ear cropping is not allowed 
by law in some countries (for that matter some countries do not dock 
tails either) and is increasingly questioned in the United States. 
Natural ears have a soft fold that frames the head creating a gentle 
appearance; cropped ears stand up on either side of the head and make 
for an alert, "stand at attention" appearance. There is some personal 
preference on this subject, but any prospective owner of a Mini should 
ask the breeder about ears and what is recommended or to be expected 
upon receipt of the new pet. The greatest variety in the breed is 
color. The most common and popular Miniature color is pepper and salt, 
a gray and white mixture, but solid black and black and silver also 
exist. In other cases, Minis may be light gray or white, but the latter 
is not recognized as a true Miniature Schnauzer color in some 
countries. A light fawn or brownish color appears in most coats, which 
harks back to the influence of other breeds in the bloodlines. Color 
choice, however, should not be the sole factor in your selection of 
Mini, for the personality and temperament are more enduring and 
actually of far greater importance. 

But is a Miniature Schnauzer the right dog for YOU? There are several 
breed characteristics that should be considered if looking at one of 
these as a companion. First, as a blessing in many households, the Mini 
is largely a non-shedding breed. That means that there is no natural 
seasonal removal of hair that scatters over your rugs or clogs your 
drain after baths. Non-shedding, however, means other things as well: 
you have to groom the Mini on a regular basis. For pet owners, you 
should plan on setting aside several hours 3 to 4 times per year at a 
minimum to clipper the back, trim the beard and eyebrows, and scissor 
the leg and stomach furnishings. Most commercial groomers are very 
familiar with the Miniature Schnauzer (more so than the other Schnauzer 
breeds) and can keep it in good condition and appearance if regularly 
visited. Prices vary considerably for grooming the Mini, but US $20-25 
is typical. So, if you don't learn to do it yourself, plan for an 
occasional expense at the neighborhood grooming shop. Let me warn you, 
however, every owner of a Miniature should own some grooming supplies 
because you will quickly become unloved by groomers if you neglect the 
soft leg, beard, and under belly hairs. Why? Because these areas of the 
coat are light and fluffy with an easy tendency toward matting. The 
hair along the back of the Mini is quite different and naturally dense 
and wiry. However, unless the dog is headed for the show ring, this 
area is best clippered leading eventually to a soft permanently exposed 

Besides grooming considerations, the Mini is an active, robust dog that 
wants to be near you at all times. It is hard to overlook these dogs, 
or ward them away. The breed thrives on attention and affection. They 
are alert, responding to almost every noise and every stranger. Most 
are highly intelligent with quick minds that make them easily trained, 
especially in obedience class, and ever so much the clown or 
entertainer. The Miniature Schnauzer, unlike its related Schnauzer 
breeds, is considered to be a Terrier. That distinction means these 
dogs are tenacious, clinging to most tug-of-war toys to the bitter end. 
It also means they are fast moving, quick in response and ground 
coverage, and for some, able to release a high pitched bark to get your 
attention. These are great natural skills for the working Mini as he 
heads for vermin in your yard, but may be difficult for some owners who 
want a quiet and settled pet that rarely demands to be near you. 

As a whole, Miniature Schnauzers are a healthy breed. This may in part 
explain their popularity and relatively large numbers. Despite general 
good health, some problems do present themselves in the breed. In 
recent years, some Minis have experienced eye problems like PRA 
(Progressive Retinal Atrophy), LOC (Later Onset Cataracts), Congenital 
Cataracts, or Juvenile Renal Disease . A certificate for clear eyes 
from a qualified veterinarian may help, but many effects of genetic eye 
deficiencies do no appear until late in life. More information on these 
genetic eye diseases is available at the Schnauzerware web site. Other 
Miniature Schnauzers suffer from recurring skin problems. One of the 
most common skin irritations is proliferation of small bumps under the 
exterior skin that are similar to blackheads in humans. Treatment may 
require use of medicated shampoos and in severe cases an oral 
medication from the veterinarian. Given the small size, Minis rarely 
suffer from hip or elbow dysplasia found in the larger Schnauzers. This 
breed is however susceptible to arthritis and other bone and joint 
diseases common to all canines. With regular visits to the veterinarian 
and a good dose of vaccinations and maintenance medication, Minis tend 
to live long lives. It is not uncommon to hear of these dogs living 
beyond 15 years of age. So, a new Mini in your life may be there a long 
time. Keep that in mind. 

The Miniature Schnauzer is right for you if you want a small active, 
loving canine companion where you can tolerate a welcoming bark and 
find time to care for its coat. Its widespread presence and abundant 
popularity means few seem able to resist the charm of the small bearded 
one. As the owner of many small and large Schnauzers, I can honestly 
say that I always look forward to coming home and snuggling with a 
loveable Mini. Maybe you will too?"
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