This reminds of the 20/20 (I think it was 20/20, the one w/ Barbara
Walters) special on the women of Saudi Arabia last week. They were
asking about the whole 'stoning' thing. I have to admit - I was
sickened. They said, essentially "Oh, its VERY hard to be caught
cheating on your husband, and you must be caught by two people, not just
one, so this is very rare."

Um... so, your saying women are very rarely stoned to death for cheating
on their husbands.

Gee, that's wonderful, I'm sure those few women don't really mind.

You know - I believe that we should be respectful of other people's
cultures, but at some point, there is right and wrong. Stoning someone
to death for infidelity is just plain sick. I can understand them not
wanting women to drive. (Err, by 'understand' I mean, I can live with
it. I think it's bad, of course, but it's nowhere near the stoning.)


> Your assuming that women in the middle east (at least in most 
> Muslim cultures) have the right to refuse. The rights of 
> women are very restricted even in such places as Saudi 
> Arabia. A woman can be arrested for just driving a car (as 
> was seen during the gulf war when a number of women tried it 
> in protest).
> At 11:33 AM 4/2/02, you wrote:
> >Hey!
> >What we need for peace is a Middle East version of Lysistrata -
> >the women say "until we get peace, you're not getting any" !!
> >-Ben
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >> Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 8:13 AM
> >> To: CF-Community
> >> Subject: Re: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Another example of terrorism:
> >> 
> >> British suffragists early last century.
> >> 
> >> (Just finished reading a book on this subject - they were 
> >> some SCARY women!)
> >> 
> >> Jerry Johnson
> >> 
> >> 

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