I don't know about VOX you may be right, but I see the whole "someone
should fix this" comment as "someone in news should fix this". If someone
says someone should fix a broken app I assume they are saying a developer
should fix it. You can read something else into it and that's fine too.

The whole listicle thing is a total pet peeve of mine and I hate seeing
that crap on FB. I am also very disappointed in the crappy newsless
entertainment network that CNN has turned into - another pet peeve. It has
been Nancy-Gracified.

I think much of the CNN thing can really be traced back to the OJ chase and
addiction to the trial. Since then it's been one trial after another. Only
one thing in the world is ever happening on CNN, and if Nancy Grace has
anything to do with it - it usually involves a dead or missing white girl.

I am glad to see that at least the missing Mylasian flight is finally no
longer "breaking news" on CNN.com after 2+ months.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:

> I get his general gist and I like that he calls out Vice for the good
> things they are doing. I don't understand his criticism of Ezra Klein and
> Vox, though. I go to Vox (which I don't really read, though I should) and I
> don't see anything like what he's saying: http://www.vox.com/
> I see the top 5 articles are on solving poverty, overloading the VA, gitmo
> predicament, challenges america faces responding to climate change, and a
> historical piece about D-Day.  Seems pretty substantial to me.
> More so, I've got a problem with what Hudack writes because it is trite and
> easy. He calls out others, decrying the decline of quality in journalism.
>  Well, shit, people have been doing that for decades. Throwing stones is
> easy, so what are we going to do to make it better, Mr Hudack?  See the
> last sentence in his post: "It's hard to tell who's to blame. But someone
> should fix this shit."  Ah, gotcha. I'll get going on that, Mr Hudack.
> Judah

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