The Internet.

But I'll give you my simplistic version:
Global warming is caused by CO2 released into the atmosphere which
causes a blanket that keeps the heat in.
Historically, CO2 in the atmosphere has lagged 200-1000 years after
increased temperatures.
This tells me something isn't right. Either CO2 doesn't cause the
earth to warm or we need some other proof to substantiate the claim.

According to the conspiracy nuts (aka warmists):

The Earth's orbital cycles trigger the initial warming (starting
approximately 19,000 years ago), which is first reflected in the the

This influx of fresh water then disrupted the Atlantic Ocean
circulation, in turn causing a seesawing of heat between the
hemispheres.  The Southern Hemisphere and its oceans warmed first,
starting about 18,000 years ago.

The warming Southern Ocean then released CO2 into the atmosphere
starting around 17,500 years ago, which in turn caused the entire
planet to warm via the increased greenhouse effect.

:end quote

So the CO2 didn't cause the warming initially, the orbit did. Then the
warm oceans released CO2 causing more warming and that's why the
planet burned up. Oh wait, why didn't the planet burn up?

If any of this is real, you folks really need to explain it better.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
> And your sources for this "science, logic and fact" are?
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:30 AM, Sam <> wrote:
>> Science, logic, fact, common sense etc.
>> BTW, I do not reject the possibility that humans can contribute to
>> "climate disruption".
>> What I reject is the so-called proof that it exists or it's mans
>> doing. When someone presents actual science to back up that theory I
>> will have a look.
>> .
>> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 3:40 AM, Maureen <> wrote:
>>> Just out of curiosity, Sam, on what do you base your rejection of the
>>> premise that humans contribute to climate change?

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