While the concept of equipping schools with the tools necessary to protect
those under their care is valid, there are some problems with the premise.

The first thing that I see is that magical quote that there have been, "74
school shootings since Sandy Hook."  It turns out that this is a figure
being thrown about by Bloomberg's group and is as factual as the often
touted statement that 10% of American Men are gay.

The "school shooting" count that was presented the fine print reads,
“Incidents were classified as school shootings when a firearm was
discharged inside a school building or on school or campus grounds.”  That
included events that occurred after hours, accidental shootings, suicides,
gang activity and even a shooting in self-defense.  It also included any
kind of educational campus from K-Post Doc.

Back to your article though, now that I've gotten that out of the way... I
think these things would work well in tornado alley, but only as a Peanuts
style security blanket.  There are less expensive ways to cover our
children's safety and many of them are already rolled out in states across
the nation.  Take a look at
which outlines the mental health restrictions for each state.  Now if we
could find a way to neatly tuck the offenders of those in we'd be set!

Until Later!
C. Hatton Humphrey

Every cloud does have a silver lining.  Sometimes you just have to do some
smelting to find it.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Larry C. Lyons <larrycly...@gmail.com>

> http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/06/11/its-come-to-this-bullet-resistant-blankets-for-school-kids/

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