Methinks you should stop visiting places like Gawker.

Just a thought.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Cameron Childress <> wrote:
> I've started to see some stuff about Chemtrails on Facebook lately and
> thought this bit from this article ties into that whole paranoid "Obama is
> coming for your guns" rhetoric.
> "The folks who believe that the trails of cirrus clouds that form from the
> warm, moist exhaust that follow behind high-flying aircraft are really
> chemicals being sprayed on us by the government usually believe in the
> whole package: the United Nations is controlling the world; the Jews
> control everything, too; vaccines are a plot to cull the population and
> make your kids autistic; Obama is not an American citizen and his group of
> thugs are out to take your guns; the government is rounding up train cars
> to ship people to FEMA reeducation camps a la Nazi Germany; on and on and
> on."

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