Well.. I'm up in the air about this.. After all, it's a job list and
it is CF jobs..

So.. it's useful.. kind of.. :)

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 5:59 PM, RobG <snarfb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Yes.  I've blocked him on Twitter because he's doing the same crap there too. 
>  I'm about to setup an email filter as well.
> ________________________________
>  From: OSS <b...@open-source-staffing.com>
> To: cf-jobs <cf-j...@houseoffusion.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 7:45 PM
> Subject: CFDeveloper.com
> Is anyone else receiving these jobs 400 times each?  =(
> Thank you,
> Beau J. Gould
> ------------------
> Open Source Staffing
> http://opensourcestaffing.wordpress.com
> opensourcestaffing|AT|gmail.com
> Follow me @ossjobs - New jobs posted daily. Full time, contract and
> telecommute.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cfdeveloper....@cfdeveloper.com
> [mailto:cfdeveloper....@cfdeveloper.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 6:31 PM
> To: cf-jobs
> Subject: (JOB) Front-End Developer (Pioneer Square) Seattle,WA
> FROM http://www.CFDeveloper.com
> Please see http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/web/2876095945.html for this
> job posting.
> Our creative agency is in search of a talented web developer to assist with
> projects on a contract basis, with opportunities for expansion. You will
> work directly with an interactive producer and creative team to transform
> concepts into beautiful, fully-functional websites, e-mails, banners and
> other digital environments.<br> <br> Required Skills:<br> Expansive
> knowledge of current web technologies, their capabilities, and
> advantages/disadvantages of each<br> Strong working knowledge of both
> W3C-valid (X)HTML and table-based layouts/HTML e-mails, CSS, JavaScript, and
> CMS integration (Drupal or Wordpress)<br> Proficiency working in Adobe
> Creative Suite, preparing images for web-ready distribution<br> Solid
> understanding of SEO best practices<br> Solid understanding of social media
> technologies and integrating with their APIs<br> <br> Preferred Skills:<br>
> Knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3<br> Knowledge of AJAX web development<br>
> Knowledge of SQL or other web database technologies<br> Knowledge of other
> cross-platform server-side scripting/programming languages for web
> application development (PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, ColdFusion)
> and database integration<br> Knowledge of other CMS packages (Joomla,
> ExpressionEngine)<br> Knowledge of mobile web development (Mobile
> Safari/Android, Blackberry Browser)<br> Experience with web advertising
> platforms such as Google AdSense, Google AdWords<br> Skills with Adobe Flash
> and/or ActionScript<br> <br> <br> This is a contract-to-hire position.
> Applicants should submit their resume and portfolio.<br> This position will
> close on March 15th, 2012.

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