
You can set up page breaks with style sheets.  We do a lot of printable
reporting here for security auditing and what we ended up doing was to
use the media=print attribute a lot i.e. non-printable stuff uses an
style class that doesn't show up on the print media.

We set up page breaks by setting a BR tag style setting like:
        page-break-before : always;
So when you want a page break just this BR tag
<BR class="pageEnd">

You still need to programmatically decide where they should be placed;
every x rows etc, new tables etc.

The other handy piece we found was that if you wanted to put a header at
the top of each printed page but not display it onscreen you can use
<STYLE type=text/css media=screen>
printtext {
        DISPLAY: none

So if you wrap your printed header content in a DIV tag like this <DIV
class="printtext">, the header will show up on hardcopy but not on the

This saves the user from having to download a separate printable page.
Optionally you could write some JavaScript to turn the invisibility on
and off.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 10:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: (Flash/CFMX Rocks!) Flash Remoting and Popchart

Thanks, Ben.

For printing purposes (I'm still looking for a good, inexpensive
solution for data that spans multiple pages so the data won't
be cut in half between pages) I'd probably do with Flash what I do
in HTML display now:  for online viewing I have the tables, but when it
comes time to print, I usually have a link to a page without the
menu, etc.,
that more or less shows them what the printed page will look like.  I
I could
do that with Flash, too...


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 9:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: (Flash/CFMX Rocks!) Flash Remoting and Popchart

> Have you run into many issues that make a Flash MX
> interface unsuitable for apps that are typically browser-
> based apps?

        I generally go with this rule of thumb.  If you have a lot of
data that needs to be displayed in tables or if you have data that needs
to be printed (especially this one), go with HTML.  Otherwise, Flash
could be a good app.

Although you can use Flash to output large datasets like that, it's
typically faster and easier in HTML.  As for printing, well... Flash
printing = evil.  <g>

Ben Johnson
Information Architect
[p] 720.934.2179

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