>> Parameters for a static file? Or does vignette use .html as an extension
an ISAPI filter?

Yes, it could be any extension.

>> So the 1674 part is the only part of all that which is actually useful

No, all the parameters are usefull (0,1674,P249,00), especially P249 and 00.
I re-explain : 1674 is the ID of the template to execute, P249 is the OID to
pass to the template (it could be a list of parameters) and 00 are the
capabilities of the browser.
If the template display an article, it will generate one static html file
per article (one per OID) for each browser capabilities (if there is any
difference for each browser in the output).
Ex. :
- 0,1674,P249,00.html,
- 0,1674,P249,FF.html,
- 0,1674,P250,00.html,
- 0,1674,P251,00.html...

If the 0,1674,P249,00.html file already exists in the cache directory, it is
directly served by the web server without any dynamic processing.
If you can also use URL parameters
(0,1674,P249,00.html?var1=toto&var2=titi), but if the template is cached,
they won't be taken into account (ignored by the web server), that's why you
can't put P249 as a normal URL parameter, it has to be in the file name for
the caching system to work.

>> Try giving someone a url like that verbally  -- ever worked
>> technical support where you had to give someone a url
>> over the phone so they could download a driver?

We've designed, developped and run several high-end B2C web sites and we
never had to encounter this kind of problem.
All our applications have automatic error trapping system and nicely
structured navigation system.
They also have "friendly URLs". ;)

In my previous mail, I was not saying, that Vignette naming was a great one.
I was just explaining that it was linked to the way their caching system

I definitely agree : if you can have "friendly URL", you should keep them
friendly (and avoiding UUID is already one way to do it).
"Why making thing complex, if you can make them simple" is a CF motto... ;)

Benoit Hediard

-----Message d'origine-----
De : S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : jeudi 19 septembre 2002 23:27
À : CF-Talk
Objet : Re: TR: UUID's ( maybe OT)

> "I just don't see the need for a url like:
> http://www.metlife.com/Applications/Corporate/WPS/CDA/Page
> Generator/0,1674,P
> 249,00.html"

> Just for your information, Vignette use
> "0,1674,P249,00.html" URL format for
> caching purpose.
> The name of the file contains all the parameters used to
> generate content
> for a given template : 0 means that cache can be used
> (dynamic generation is not forced), 1674 is the template ID,

> P249 is the parameter (could be a parameters list)

Parameters for a static file? Or does vignette use .html as an extension for
an ISAPI filter?

>, 00 describes browser capabilities.

So the 1674 part is the only part of all that which is actually useful eh?

> It allow Vignette to automatically generate physical cache
> files that can later be serve directly by the web server.
> Once the cache has been generated, the dynamic web site
> behave like a static web site, the web server only serves
> static html pages.

Yes, Tapestry does this... or it can if you need/want it to -- it's not a
necessity. But it is a native feature of the application.

> This is a pretty clever caching system which made the
> success of Vignette .. 5 years ago (and this is how
> Vignette handles tremendous loads).

If you say so, but I'm fairly certain Vignette doesn't do anything with that
url than I can't do with a 4 or 5 digit number. As a matter of fact, I'd be
willing to bet that much of this is already done by Tapestry -- the caching
that is...

> So OK, the URL aren't very URL friendly, but I don't think
> that URL have to be "friendly". User never look at the
> URLs, only web developers do.. ;)

Did you get a chance to read my first message on this thread? Real
non-developer people frequently look at those url's, and often have to give
them to people over the phone, which is a major pain... Sounds like you've
never worked in a tech-support queue -- as just one example of an instance
in which non-developer people must frequently pass a url verbally. I worked
in  Hewlett Packard's corporate tech-support queue for a year ( was actually
my first technical job ), and the fact that their corporate website where
people had to get drivers was a nightmare to navigate was a _huge_ problem.
They didn't use Vignette, but something like what you see below was a
_common_ occurrance on the phone. And this was even talking mostly to IT and
MIS department techs whos job it was to repair our workstations.

> Try giving someone a url like that verbally -- ever worked
> technical support where you had to give someone a url
> over the phone so they could download a driver? Usually
> you're saddled by the requirements of your call center that
> you can't send anyone email, so copying and pasting the
> url is out of the question. And even with url's that are much
> simpler than this you often wind up with users having
> difficulty hearing or understanding it:
> http://www.metlife.com/applications/corporate/wps ...
> . w - p as in paul - s as in sam ... slash
> . c as in cat, d as in dog, a as in apple...
> PageGenerator ... p as in paul, a as in apple, g as in
> golf, e as in echo...
> Ten minutes later they have the url and your average
> call-time's gone through the roof.
> God forbid the person is hard of hearing or just plain
> computer illiterate.

Generally speaking I think it's foolish to assume that non-technical people
will never do or need to do something when it regards your software --
especially when it's something as necessary and readily available as a URL.
Users will do what they need to in order to accomplish anything that's
really important ( in the case of the tech-support person, it's their job to
make sure that people can get the drivers they need, etc. ) but we don't
need to go out of our way to make things complicated for them.

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