Probably isn't the best way, but it seemed like the path of least
resistance at the time :)
Unfortunately in the process it seems I uncovered something strange
going on under the hood in CF. With all the information about locking
out there, nothing has ever been written about cflock having side
effects on totally separate threads with no locking routines that I
have seen. That is exactly what I am seeing now though.


Monday, September 23, 2002, 3:11:18 PM, you wrote:
MAKC> Jon,

MAKC> Perhaps I'm missing something and this is an entirely new and clever
MAKC> approach. I've never tried to use CFLOCK as a timeing mechanism. But what
MAKC> you are doing here with your named locks seems like intentionally hanging
MAKC> the process - something I usually tried to avoid doing by accident <g>. Do
MAKC> many developers use this approach? Are you sure this is the best way to go
MAKC> about creating execution time in your process?

MAKC> -mk

MAKC> -----Original Message-----
MAKC> From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
MAKC> Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 1:58 PM
MAKC> To: CF-Talk
MAKC> Subject: Strange threading issue, cflock?

MAKC>   Another locking question...might be a bug in CF5.

MAKC>   Using CF5, I have a database insert that I need to pause a few
MAKC>   seconds, then select a value back out that is updated from withing
MAKC>   the db. My code looks something like this:

MAKC>   <cfquery .../>  // Insert Query
MAKC>   <cfset name = Hash(CreateUUID())/>
MAKC>   <cflock name="#name#" type="readonly" timeout="1">
MAKC>       <cflock name="#name#" type="exclusive" timeout="5"
MAKC>   </cflock>
MAKC>   <cfquery .../> // Select Query

MAKC>   What is strange is that the second query is not executing after the
MAKC>   cflock times out. It seems that it must be executing _before_ the
MAKC>   cflock starts! The database usually takes about 1 second to update
MAKC>   the field, and even if I set the timeout to 20 seconds the recordset
MAKC>   returned always contains data that would indicate that the query
MAKC>   didn't wait until the cflock timed out, but executed before the
MAKC>   cflock...

MAKC>   It gets stranger even. If I set the timeout high enough and try to
MAKC>   execute a second page with only the bottom query from above at the
MAKC>   same time I am executing the above cfquery/cflock/cfquery block the
MAKC>   single cfquery on a totally different page waits for the lock to
MAKC>   execute, even though it has no cflocks anywhere in it! The rest of
MAKC>   the site continues to operate normally, with CF executing pages, but
MAKC>   it's like this particular cfquery block is respecting the cflock in
MAKC>   the other page, even though it's not in a cflock itself.

MAKC>   To even futher the proof, I have two databases, a primary and a
MAKC>   backup that I can perform the same two queries against. The second
MAKC>   page with the query by itself queried using the other DSN, executes
MAKC>   instantly! Only when I use the same DSN does this page stop
MAKC>   everything it is doing to wait for the second one to execute.

MAKC>   All of this seems to contradict what I know about how CF uses locks.
MAKC>   I think it's a bug with cflock...and a nasty one. Anyone know what
MAKC>   may be going on?

MAKC> --
MAKC>  jon

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