Anyone here subscribe to Bugtraq? 

I'm thinking there may be a legitimate need for a dedicated CF-Bugtraq type
list, to document issues / bugs with CFMX separate from 'how do I do this'

It is important to know what other people are running into in the field.
Without trying to start another conversation, knowing about MX's disdain for
COM has certainly helped me in making decisions about what my shop will be
doing with CFMX in the future.

Perhaps others have had similar experiences. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 9:47 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: LONG time CF Supporter - About ready to dump CF!

The problem as I see it is one of communication. It doesn't seem like
Macromedia is acknowledging the problems people are having in the field
with CFMX. Nor are they telling us if they are even working on fixes for
these problems. I would imagine you (and others) would be willing to
hang on longer if you only knew your problems were being addressed and
that a possible fix was a few months around the corner.

I personally have had some not so nice interactions with Macromedia as
of late that make me wonder if they have forgotten how important the
ColdFusion community is to them.

Matt Liotta
President & CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
888-408-0900 x901

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