Well said Jesse.
The funny thing is that most of the people complaining during those threads
have problems with JDBC, which is not directly related to MM/CFMX (but more
to third party JDBC drivers or M$ implementation)...
SQL Server 7 is getting very old right now (and it's a M$ product), so I
would not be surprised if it has some problems with JDBC.

CFMX is a GREAT product and works extremely well (for a V1.0!).
Of course, there is some minor "pure CF" issues but all of them have easy

I will NEVER go back to CF5.
CFCs and Flash Remoting have an incredible potential and offer so many great
new possibilities.
People also have to think about "what they can do now"... (which was
impossible with CF5-)

Benoit Hediard

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Jesse Noller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mercredi 9 octobre 2002 14:48
À : CF-Talk
Objet : The Myth of Bugs (Was Huge Ungainly thread of Doom)


        Funny, I should stop sleeping. I wanted to take a moment to address
something that is bothering me a great deal.

        Out of the huge thread yesterday, there came a lot of realizations that
Macromedia is currently examining internally, misconceptions if you will
about the way MM communicates things.

        Make no mistake, these issues are being discussed, as Sean and Vernon have
both mentioned. However, one of the things that bothered me the most was the
fact several people basically said:

"OH NOES! CFMX is poop! I won't buy/run it until all of these horrible bugs
are fixed".

        This is what I refer too as the "Myth of Bugs". I think something many
people are forgetting is the scenario of a mailing list, or the forums. This
is the scenario that discourses the fact that mainly the only people who
will post to forums, and mailing lists in a typical day are those who have

        Now, if I read cf-talk on $RAND day, I could safely assume that CFMX was
crippled, a lame-duck to the market. Does this assumption make it true?


        It bothers me to hear people say that they will not even try CFMX out
because there are "so many" show stopping issues. I would beg the argument
that this is far, very far, from the truth.

        Those of you "dropping" CFMX or completely ignoring it because of the
debates/issues raised on CF-Talk and the Forums would be better served if
you actually downloaded and ran your application yourself, instead of taking
the "word" of the mailing lists and forums.

        CFMX, as has been stated before, was the *most* tested version of
ColdFusion *ever* put on market, I can't make this clear enough.

        I would imagine that some of the "show stopper" issues that are being
raised have either been addresses, will be address, or are simply
environmental. I would also state that the only people who raise the "CFMX
is Poop" flag are those who have hit a bug, or other issue, which is show
stopping to *them*. Remember, hundreds of people download CFMX daily (we
have the numbers that show this) and run it without issue.

        *of COURSE* those people who run into any type of problem are immediately
going to identify that problem as a "show stopper" and post to the mailing
lists and the forums screaming as loud as they can to hopefully either find
a solution or get Macromedia to help them "for free".

        I can only stress that those of you reading these lists and the forums take
everything you see with a grain of salt. Not everyone is running into these
issues, everyone is not "throwing CFMX out the window". We have *many*
customers running CFMX in production, under load, daily, fine.

        If you install CFMX, and you run it, and you find an issue, I cannot stress
enough that you contact support *immediately* to get that issue addressed

        I will not admit that the ColdFusion team (myself included) shipped "Poop".
I will not admit to having wasted nearly two years of my life, I know this
is *not* the case. I personally believe that the "firestorms" shown on this
list, and the forums, are not the rule, but rather the exception to the

        Please, try it out *for yourselves* before passing judgment.

Sorry for ranting, it bothers me. A lot.

Jesse Noller
Macromedia Server Development

"No concept man forms is valid unless he
integrates it without contradiction into the
sum of his knowledge."
- Ayn Rand

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