It should only throw an error if all the search words are defined in the
noise words file.

For example :
"The" will throw an error,
"The foo" will return results based on "foo" search.

In our application, we have customized the noise word file and put each full
text SQL search in <cftry> blocks.
If an error is thrown we create an empty recordset.

For example :
        <cfquery name="qSearch" datasource="#application.stConfig.DSN#">
                select  ID_NEWS as ID,
                                TITLE_NEWS as Title,
                                CREATEDBYID_NEWS as CreatedByID,
                                CREATEDBY_NEWS as CreatedByLogin,
                                CREATIONDATE_NEWS as CreationDate
                from            ITEM_NEWS
                and             (contains(TITLE_NEWS,'"#arguments.Text#"')
                or              contains(DESCRIPTION_NEWS,'"#arguments.Text#"'))

        <cfcatch type="Database">
                <cfset qSearch =

Benoit Hediard

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Andy Ewings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : vendredi 11 octobre 2002 18:41
À : CF-Talk
Objet : RE: Full Text Indexs


We tried this but it didn't seem to work.  We only changed the english one.
When we search on these key words it still throws an ODBC error.  Any ideas?


-----Original Message-----
From: Benoit Hediard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 October 2002 13:23
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Full Text Indexs

If you are using SQL Server 2000, all the "noise words" are defined in a
text files, one per language, you can easily modify them (add/remove words)
"../Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL/FTDATA/SQLServer/Config/noise.eng" for
english indexing
"../Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL/FTDATA/SQLServer/Config/noise.fra" for french

Once modified, you'll have to rebuild your full-text indexes.

Benoit Hediard

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Andy Ewings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : vendredi 11 octobre 2002 14:00
À : CF-Talk
Objet : Full Text Indexs

Bit OT but thought I'd test the SQL gurus on here - I have built some full
text indexes and am trying to get it to ignore the "ignored" words if that
makes sense.  For exaple if I type "after eight" into a search box it gives
an error as "after" is a reserved word.  How to I get SQL to ignore these
words when performing my fulltext query?

Alternatively does anyone know where I can find a full list of these ignored


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