If you're UNIX (which I assume due to '/' vs. '\'), and running CF as
user 'nobody' does user 'nobody' have 'x' permissions to all the directories
and 'w' permissions on the file in question?


At 10:02 AM 10/18/02 -0400, you wrote:
>I am having trouble writing out to a network drive....
>I tried using
>And cffile didn't like the ".."
>So I am now using this:
>     SOURCE="//507-admin/Iepplus/Iepplus/CONSOL/STXsuppl.BIL"
>     DESTINATION="//507-admin/Iepplus/Iepplus/CONSOL/stxsuppl.Bak"
>     >
>Error Diagnostic Information
>Error processing CFFILE
>Unable to copy file '//507-admin/Iepplus/Iepplus/CONSOL/\STXsuppl.BIL'
>to path '//507-admin/Iepplus/Iepplus/CONSOL/\stxsuppl.Bak'. Error:
>Access is denied. (error 5).
>The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
>of (CFFILE), occupying document position (31:1) to (34:5).
>HOW Can I write/append/and edit files on network drives????
>Please help
>Kris Pilles
>Website Manager
>Western Suffolk BOCES
>507 Deer Park Rd., Building C
>Phone: 631-549-4900 x 267
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