ACK!  Sorry Michael, I didn't see the request to move until after I
answered my previous emails.

Consider it dead from my end.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Joshua Miller [mailto:josh@;] 
| Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 8:18 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| Ok, this will be my last comment on this thread since Michael 
| asked that it be moved. I don't subscribe to community, so 
| I'll say my last piece.
| HomeSite+ is NOT an upgrade to Studio nor is it a new version. Saying
| that we still get it cheaper than Studio ticks me off because 
| it's actually more of a downgrade - it should be cheaper. UI 
| customization features removed, Query Builder removed and 
| CFMX syntax didn't ship with the product - you have to 
| download and install that yourself. It's not an upgrade, it's 
| a sidegrade to comply with a lost lawsuit. Ok, it IS a new 
| version in that it was released after CF Studio 5 and that 
| the features aren't identical, but it has fewer features - 
| that's not something I typically pay money for.
| I'm not the purchasing person, so I don't know if we got a 
| Subscription or if we bought a copy of Studio 5 so close to 
| the release date that we got DWMX for free, but if we got a 
| subscription I think we've been somewhat cheated. DWMX is by 
| almost everyone's definition not a complete or totally useful 
| product as even the DWMX proponents say they still use Studio 
| half the time, and HomeSite is a downgrade. I don't see why 
| people keep pushing HomeSite+ as an upgrade insisting that 
| everyone should be happy because it's cheaper than Studio. It 
| does less than Studio and has no new features. It has 
| features new to HomeSite - but HomeSite was $99 standalone 
| before DWMX.
| Thanks,
| Joshua Miller
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwatts@;] 
| Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 3:13 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Anybody want to start a petition for CF Studio!
| > Most developers I know don't use half the features of ColdFusion 
| > Studio (I can't remember the last time I click something in 
| the tabs). 
| > So a move to DW is totally nonsensical. Most developers, at 
| least the 
| > good ones, don't need or want designer tools.
| These seem to be pretty broad statements. I'd have a hard 
| time saying that I know what most developers want or need.
| > I do not feel like I'm in the minority by saying, skip
| > the upgrade to DW and just get the tag updater for
| > Studio 5.
| There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, if you prefer CF 
| Studio to Dreamweaver MX. You'd be a fool to do otherwise, 
| just because MM wants you to buy their latest shiny new toy. 
| On the other hand, you'd also be a fool if you just listened 
| to everyone complain about how bad DWMX is, without 
| evaluating it for yourself.
| > So the question becomes: what point is there to upgrading? There is 
| > none.
| There are certainly some people who prefer Dreamweaver MX to 
| CF Studio. They may not be especially vocal on this list, 
| they may be a minority, but there are some out there.
| > And perhaps, I'm being a bit critical, but I cannot figure out why 
| > developers are defending DWMX.
| Well, from my perspective, I can't figure out why developers 
| here are attacking DWMX. It's not like MM is coming to your 
| house and forcing you to buy it at gunpoint. No one's going 
| to pry your copy of CF Studio 5 from your hard drive. What 
| I've objected to, on this list, is the rabid "the sky is 
| falling" reaction that many people seem to have about the 
| very existence of Dreamweaver MX. To summarize, here's what people are
| saying:
| 1. Dreamweaver MX sucks.
| I'll leave this open to debate. I certainly have my own 
| complaints about it, but frankly, the more I use it, the more 
| comfortable I become with it, and I find myself using Studio 
| less and less. There are a number of things that I think 
| Dreamweaver MX does for me better than Studio. Is it perfect? 
| No, far from it. Do I think that, two or three revisions down 
| the road, it'll be a really good editor? Yes, I do - and I 
| don't think the same is true for CF Studio, which really 
| hasn't changed that significantly over its last two versions.
| 2. MM is abandoning CF Studio and Homesite.
| This doesn't seem to actually be the case, since there's a 
| new version of CF Studio, relabeled "Homesite+". MM might not 
| be marketing it, but it's there. MM might abandon it in the 
| future, but who knows what will happen in the future anyway? 
| I think that the long-term goal for MM is to replace CF 
| Studio with Dreamweaver MX, but they won't be able to do that 
| successfully until they make it good enough for everyone to 
| want to use, and at that point, well, everyone will want to use it.
| This reminds me very much of the history of Visual Studio, as 
| I've commented here more than once. It started out being, 
| well, not very good, and no one liked it. Now, everyone who 
| uses it generally likes it a lot. Does that mean that those 
| people should have embraced the first, not-so-good version? 
| No, but it does indicate that we could do with a bit less 
| pessimism about the future.
| 3. You can't buy Homesite+ without buying DWMX.
| Big deal. You pay the same price (or less) buying the two 
| together as you paid last year for CF Studio by itself.
| 4. Dammit Jim, I'm a programmer, not a designer!
| Just because DWMX has functionality that's useful for 
| designers doesn't mean that it can't be made into a good 
| editor for coders. That should be a lot easier to accomplish 
| than making CF Studio into a good environment for designers.
| Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
| voice: (202) 797-5496
| fax: (202) 797-5444
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