Opps, forgot the <cfoutput query="GetEnv">

<cfquery name="GetEnv" datasource="database-name" dbtype="ODBC">
        SELECT      strVar,strDestination
        FROM        users

<cfoutput query="GetEnv">
        <cfset myString = ListAppend(myString, GetEnv.strVar, ",")>


-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Lynch [mailto:adrian.l@;thoughtbubble.net]
Sent: 22 October 2002 17:37
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Read from database and insert into string

<cfquery name="GetEnv" datasource="database-name" dbtype="ODBC">
        SELECT      strVar,strDestination
        FROM        users

<cfset myString = ListAppend(myString, GetEnv.strVar, ",")>


-----Original Message-----
From: FlashGuy [mailto:flashmx@;rogers.com]
Sent: 22 October 2002 17:33
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Read from database and insert into string


I need to read from my database the field strVar. I have 500+ entries. I
need to read every line from the database, grab the contents of that field
and put all the data into a 
variable called "results". They must all be comma delimited.

        <cfquery name="GetEnv" datasource="database-name" dbtype="ODBC">
                SELECT      strVar,strDestination
                FROM        users

Do I need to loop through it?


variable = "var1,var2,var3,var4...etc"

Colonel Nathan R. Jessop
Commanding Officer
Marine Ground Forces
Guatanamo Bay, Cuba

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