I think the line counter is off, the problem is with the cfapplication
tag. This is just a hunch, but I've seen the null error before,
coincidentally it was on houseoffusion.com right after it was upgraded
to MX. I would get the error going to www.houseoffusion.com or
houseoffusion.com, but Michael only got it when going to

That makes me think that there is an odd bug with the cfid and cftoken
cookies. I didn't have the cookies, and got the error, presumably
Michael didn't get the error on the www domain because he already had
that cookie, or it could be the other way around...

Anyway that's my reasoning, as for as solution I'm not sure, but you
might try playing around with the cfapplication tag, and clearing


Monday, October 28, 2002, 10:06:21 AM, you wrote:
ML> In the application.cfm, right after the CFAPPLICATION tag (running on
ML> Win CFMX) I get the following NULL - however the line in question is a
ML> comment tag???:
ML> ==========================
ML> null  
ML> The error occurred in C:\Inetpub\website\admin\Application.cfm: line 24
ML> 22 : <!--- This page creates global variables for use throughout the
site --->>
ML> 23 : 
ML> 24 :    <!--- Toggles the security check 0=off 1=on --->
ML> 25 :    <CFSET REQUEST.securitycheck = "0">
ML> 26 : 
ML> ========================== 

ML> Thanks,
ML> Mark

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