I've created the query as a variable and use the variable inside the

<cfset sql = "Select * from sometable where foo = '#form.bar#' ">

Generated sql: #sql#

<cfquery name="foo" datasource="bar">

Tim P.
----- Original Message -----
From: "bajaria aslam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:01 AM
Subject: capturing a query

> Hi List.
> When you have the debugging on, you can see that it
> shows the sql generated also. You may have
> #variableName# in the <cfquery> template,  but finally
> when all the variables get resolved, you have a query
> that is sent to the database.
> That query can be seen when the debugging is on on the
> webpage.
> is there a way to capture that final query?
> i tried #cgi.QueryName# , but did not work.
> Any ideas?
> thanks list
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