make sure when you put values in the "seeking" column to add a comma before
and after the list.  So a list of "1,2,3" becomes ",1,2,3,"

That way when you run the query you can say:
WHERE seeking LIKE '%,2,%'
Bryan Love
  Macromedia Certified Professional
  Internet Application Developer
  Database Analyst
TeleCommunication Systems

"...'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have
        - Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

"Let's Roll"
        - Todd Beamer, Flight 93

-----Original Message-----
From: Double Down, Inc. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 1:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Query Question

I have this statement in a query:

(<cfloop index="ii" list="#form.seeking#" delimiters=",">seeking LIKE
'%#ii#make %'<cfif NOT listlast(form.seeking, ",") is ii> and

It will select the record if the field (a comma delimitated list) has the
value (the values are number). The problem I am having is that if I want to
pull the records that contain the number 2, it is giving me the records that
contain 2, 22, 23, etc. etc. How do I set this up so it will pull ONLY the
records that have the number 2 in it?


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