Well,  Then you are going to like Coldfusion :)

In ColdFusion..   it is much simpler(and less wordy)..     more so then ASP
because ColdFusion handles the details of the record set.

For example...  lets say that you have a table called 'names' with two
fields in it;   FirstName and LastName.

And the table lays out like this:


To display all of those records..   would look something like this;

<!--- //Get Data from the Database  --->
<cfquery datasource="Your_ColdFusion_Administrator_Datasource"
select * from names

<!--- //Output the data --->
<cfoutput query="The_Name_Parameter_on_the_cfquery_statement">

----------End Snip--------------
And ColdFusion handles everything else..      even down to incrementing the
array position.  Nice huh? Don't need to worry about arrays..   or
initializing data objects..   or any of the ASP overhead.   *grin*

The Query field values are like an associative array..   for example..    if
you want to access the the firstname field of a query you named
(In the CFQUERY statement; <cfquery name="FirstnameLastname"
you would use the variable;    FirstnameLastname.firstname

Using the CFOUTPUT tag with the 'query' parameter also does something
special..     It tells ColdFusion to <try> to preface your variables with
the query (in the query parameter) you specified(unless you already have a
regular variable by that name). So, using the cfoutput statement will reduce
a variable like; #The_Name_Parameter_On_the_cfquery_statement.firstname#, to
#firstname# within the open and close CFOUTPUT tag.   In the example above,
see how I didn't use the unimaginably long query name I specified?
However,  I could if I wanted to..    use
n_the_cfquery_statement.firstname#.   *grin* but nobody would want to use
that!  ColdFusion automatically 'scopes' the variable to the query for you.

Of course you'd want to put a <BR> or place table control tags to format the
HTML, ex;

(the cfquery tag stays the same)

<cfoutput query="The_Name_Parameter_on_the_cfquery_statement">

---------End Snip---------
Also, ColdFusion populates certain values that you can use(but you have to
reference with the 'queryname.' before..    For example:    Coldfusion
automatically populates the RecordCount value for the query.

Tip: The Recordcount value is the number of rows returned in a query.

So..  when you want to see how many records were returned from a query, use
the variable,  #queryname.recordcount#.

Ex:  you have a query named FirstnameLastname (from the table above) and you
want to display the whole table..    AND make sure that if there is nothing
in the table,   you tell the user that 'there are no names in the table'
instead of showing nothing.  I'll also use the ColdFusion datasource on my
server named,'customerdata'.


<cfquery datasource="customerdata" name="FirstnameLastname">
select * from names

<cfif FirstnameLastname.RecordCount eq 0> <!--- //There aren't any records
if RecordCount is 0 --->
        <BR>There are no names in the table!
<cfelse><!--- //The query returned records,  Displaying them!  --->
        <cfoutput query="FirstnameLastname">

---------End Snip-------------

Ex:  To see if a UserName and password submitted is valid

Table userinfo's fields:  ID, UserName, Password

The User submitted the form variables,   'User' for Username and 'pass' for
password.(POST or GET..  ColdFusion deals with them seamlessly[ColdFusion
even deals with URL parameters seamlessly,  No Extra Code Needed to parse
each type!])

<cfquery name="IsValidLogon" datasource="customerinfo">
FROM userinfo
WHERE UserName = '#form.User#'
AND   Password = '#form.pass#'

<cfif IsValidLogon.RecordCount neq 0>
        //RecordCount will be zero if no records and something else(nonzero) when
there is records
        // TIP:  the ' neq 0' part isn't really needed because the tags between the
if branch will execute when Recordcount is
        //         nonzero.  That is, of course..  unless you are also testing for
duplicate username and password combinations
        Congratulations!  You logged IN!
        invalid Username or password
        <cfinclude template="logon_form.cfm"><!--- Include the Login form in the
execution --->
        <cfabort><!--- Stop processing  (after the login form is loaded)--->
-------End Snip---------

Warning..   the code above does a case-INsensitive match for most SQL
If you wanted to do a case sensitive one..   you'd need to do include the
username & password in the sql query and use the case sensitive Find
function on the results to make sure they matched.   An even better way..
is to store a hash of the password(<cfset passwordhash='#hash(form.pass)#'>)
in the database instead of the actual password..      then compare the

Good reading materials

Mastering ColdFusion 4.5
 by Arman Danesh and Kristin Aileen Motlagh(LOL,  I learned most of what I
know from this book, the samples in the CFServer, and playing with it)

ColdFusion MX Web Application Construction Kit
 by Ben Forta(of which I know reads the cf-talk list) with Nate WeissLeon,
Chalnick, and Angela Buraglia


All In all..    good luck.  And, get ready to accomplish things with less
code ;).


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 3:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Database Results

When I used to work with ASP, I would run my SQL statement, check to see
if the recordset is empty or not, if it wasn't, I'd roll it up into an
array, and the loop through the array.

I know how to do the SQL statement, and how to loop through it, but how
would I check to see if the result of the query contained results or
not, and how would I put the results in an array, and then how would I
loop through that array?

I'm sorry for asking so many questions...I'm in a new job which is also
a new developing environment...and I have very little time to learn all

Any & all help is greatly appreciated, as I know everyone in here is
strapped for time as well.



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