I posted last week and I didn't seen any replies, so I'll try again.

I have an OCX loaded on my box that I can work with in ASP.

In ASP I call it like this:

Set DLQClient1 = CreateObject("DLQueueClient")

I think all examples I've seen (CFCOMET) and such, show calling COM objects
using this notation:

<CFOBJECT ACTION="Create" CLASS="myApp.objName" NAME="myObj" TYPE="COM">

What do I use for myApp.objName?

I tried DLQueueClient.Application and I get an error: "COM error 0x800401F3.
Invalid class string"
Obviously, I was just guessing. I loaded up OLEView, but I coudn't find the
class name.
Could someone unconfuse me?


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