Come on guys... it is a Beta version.
Is there only "never happy" people on this list?

> Marcromedia needs to stop it with all their flash everywhere...
> it's bad design, slow and confusing in many regards...

I disagree about the "bad design" and "confusing things" arguments (...
agree about the "slow" one).
The organisation of the site seems to be much clear than the previous one.

The home page is not intended to ColdFusion Developers... but any kind of
audience, that's why it requires a "flashy" brand/corporate look&feel.
If you don't like it, just go directly to, you don't have to go
through it.
(there was already a big marketing flash movie in the previous home page)

> They keep changing the groupings of things as well ... quite a
> pain this morning to find the Exchanges... had to use the site map....

Not very hard...
Select "Product > ColdFusion MX" on the home page, and then you'll get a
direct access to the exchange.
(and it will remember this setting)

> That corner loading/initiaing thing is annoying and doesn't make
> me feel the site is any more responsive...
> Hopefully they revise this...
> Oh and the Exchange by default shows some goofy collection of
> files initially... you have to go to a right side of screen block
> to select show newest...  a change from how it historically has worked...

Once you have selected "Newest", it will also remember this settings for
your next visit (no changes to your historical habits).

Come on guys, move forward...

Benoit Hediard

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