Ok..   lets say that I have a HTML form with field names from the database..

Like..      ShoppingItem_ItemCode

Or a better example..   :   'ShoppingItem_' & database.itemcode

so..    as people add items to their shopping cart..   this list gets
<input type="text" name="ShoppingItem_Gyro" value="1">
<input type="text" name="ShoppingItem_GarbageCan" value="3">

This works all good and well in the recalculate quantity processor by
getting the second element in the list with delimeter, _ to know what
product is in the cart and evaluating the full variable to know the new
quantity..      and using the string 'ShoppingItem_' to distinguish a field
containing the items quantity  in the fieldnames variable(skip all of the

The problem occurs when someone makes a item with a '-' in the product

Ex:  someone makes a product with the code; goober-pokerman
        The form field looks like this;
        <input type="text" name="ShoppingItem_goober-pokerman">

But when the processor goes to evaluate the form field..  for the quantity..
it looks like this,  (evaluate(field)) which translates to
(evaluate(ShoppingItem_goober-pokerman))..   and Coldfusion treats it as a
math equation..
(ShoppingItem_goober - pokerman) = Error:  ShoppingItem_goober(missing
'-pokerman') is undefined.   I tried using the DE function and it returns
the fieldname instead of the value of the fieldname

Any Ideas on how to get around this Dynamic Evaluation quandary? I'm looking
for the value of the fieldname..

It is stored two layers deep here...

First..  the field name is stored in a variable(currentitem)..
then evaluate(currentitem)= Item quantity in cart.
This works unless the field name contains a '-'.     If it does..  the
evaluate statement treats it as a math equation and can't find the value of
only part of the variable name.

I'm thinking parhaps something like <cfset
currentvalue=shoppingcartitem_"#currentitem#" or something like that..
Any Ideas?


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 12:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFMX crashes with high load on cfwddx

> Found I can bring down our MX server where cfwddx is used.

This is a known problem, i am not sure if MM is doing anything about it.
Some MM folks here might be able to answer the status on the cfwddx issue.

Joe Eugene

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Buckland, Ramon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:31 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CFMX crashes with high load on cfwddx
> Hi,
> Found I can bring down our MX server where cfwddx is used.
> In a nut shell,
> obtain wddx string and convert it.
>      <cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="#wddxPacket#" output="st_RS">
> We use WDDX all over the site as our data layer
> by retreiving through cfhttp.
> I tested the cfhttp connections but it all came down to this example.
> (no cfhttp at all)
> -------------------------------------
> <cfset wddxPacket = "<wddxPacket
> version='1.0'><header/><data><struct><var
> name='STATUS'><string>1</string></var><var
> name='RETURNCODE'><string>no_db</string></var></struct></data></wd
> dxPacket>">
> <cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="#wddxPacket#" output="st_RS">
> -------------------------------------
> Put that in a cfm file and ...
> Stress testing pages by holding down ,CTRL-R in a browser (IE)
> the server stops resonding.
> + From a fresh restart it takes about 5 minutes to bring the server down
> + From a page with many wddx conversions, I am able to bring the server
> down in about 5 seconds.
> * WARNING * This crashes my Dev MX Server on IIS
> PIII 1.4Ghz , 1.3G RAM
> IIS5 Win2k All latest patches from MS as of 10 hrs ago.
> MX Updater 3
> Please tell me I can fix this with config changes :-)
> Symptoms of the crash are:
>     MX stops responding, IIS keeps purring
>   Restart MX a few times and eventually, IIS stops as well
>     (I even had inetinfo hang and not die until I restarted IIS
> Admin Service)
> suggestions ?
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