Thanks for your response Jim

LOL,   I know..    definitely odd..     I appreciate you responding.

there are no CFX tags at all..   The only outside resource it uses is the

It also uses some of the CGI variables and verifies they are not null(or a
zero length string) before using them...
If I check the CGI variable   Http_host several times..   is it going to
cause DLLHOST to shoot up?   Perhaps DLLHOST is providing that information
to JRUN?..

Is there any way that that request that is running behind the scenes..
could be how CFMX stores a cached query?     Just a thought..

Recent news:
I removed the CFFORM tag in one page on the application..  and I am now
relying on the ColdFusion isnumeric() function..  to test and make sure that
the value is numeric.

It seems to be running better..      It was definitely causing the NULL
Pointer JVM error..     I have since(removing it[cfform])..   not seen any
of the java.lang.NullPointer errors in the exception.log file.

That's good news at least..             and..  at least it is now stable..
Still..   DLLHOST shoots up..   now and then..     but it doesn't hold the
processor at 100% for several minutes like it did yesterday(causing the CF
overload).   Perhaps the <CFFORM> tag has some problems?

Thanks again


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 3:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ColdFusion MX Still crashing after updater. *pulling hair

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ezine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 2:39 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: ColdFusion MX Still crashing after updater. *pulling
> hair out*
> Coldfusion is set to time out all requests after 90000 milliseconds(90
> seconds)..     and yet..    iistracer is reporting scripts
> running for a
> couple of hours..       during that time..   DLLHOST jumps
> around..      and

Are you calling any external objects?  CF can only timeout a
thread/request that it has control over - if it's given control of the
thread to a another source (database, COM, CFX, etc) then it must wait
until that source returns control to it before it can time out the

That fact that CF isn't timing out leads me to believe that it not in
control (or that it's just plain toast - but since you say that JRUN is
still queueing requests it seems to be working).

Jim Davis

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